
The frailejón (Espeletia hartwegiana) is one of the most representative of flora in the protected area, which can be mostly found in the Park’s páramo ecosystem and often accompanied by species of Diplostephium, grasses and of Senecio. In the super páramo zone you can find Loricaria colombiana, endemic to Colombia and easily identifiable for its particular form and beauty. In the wetlands you can find various species of colchones de agua, the most common being Plantago rigida. In the high andean or cloud forests you can find waxpalms, Ceroxylon quindiuense among the most common and, which is also the national tree of Colombia. Other important species are siete cueros de páramo (Polylepis serícea) and the plants of the genus Hypericum, plus calabazos, campanos and guayabos.